Jolly Roger

by Admiral

Under construction

Pirated 38 gun, 3 mast frigate 
Jolly Roger

Pirated 38 gun, 3 mast frigate
Careful observer will notice 18 guns missing on the f'csle en aftc'sle, to be added when performance allows after finishing all the other stuff.
Presumably available ca. December 2024

Ekaterina-class frigate Aleksandr

This ship is a proof of concept, aimed to transfer models from the National Museum of Finland project “Historia eläväksi digitaalisella tarinankerronnalla”

That project digitalising of historical objects, produced quite a few high quality 3d models of historic ships. 3d models that were published under Creative Commons attribution license.

The Aleksander frigate was the largest Russian archipelago navy class ship in 1790 on the Baltic Sea. Five of these ships took part in the Second Battle of Svensksund on July 9th and were lost (taken over, sunk, or burnt), while eight frigates in total were built during the war of 1788–1790 against Sweden. Ekaterina-class frigates had a typical rig of the period, known as an archipelago or rowing frigate. The hull has nine smaller holes between gun deck main gun ports.

Hull dimensions: • Length at waterline: 39.60 m • Greatest width (breadth): 9.80 m • Greatest depth: 3.6 m

The original 3d model was created in the National Museum of Finland project “Historia eläväksi digitaalisella tarinankerronnalla” by Zoan Oy.

For Sailaway III the model was solidified where required, keel beam was closed, planks were given a thickness of 5 cm.. Missing faces were added. The rowing oar ports were given hatches. Parts were separated to allow animation.

Captured for prise off the Russians by the Swedes..

According to sources she was lost at theL2nd Battle of Rochensalm (1790), repaired by Swedes and commissioned as HMS Alexander,

further future unknown……….

… except for some very vague 20 th century sources that claim she showed up in the Caribean in the hand of a buccaneer named Sparrow....

In Sailaway she now sails the seven seas under the Jolly Rogger.

Sailaway avatars should be able to
- roam the ship,
- move cargo around.
- open gun ports
- extend rowing oars..
- hoist and lower sails
- trim sails
- steer the ship

For navigation you only should have a compass..and the stars..

Sailaway is still non violent, so no….

.. you can’t fire the guns..

.. and you cannot sink other ships..

..but you can pretend to be Jack Sparrow for a few minutes.

Known Issues

- due to the sheer number of details, and interactive parts this model may be very tough on your computer
- sailing will be limited to sails available in Sailaway.III eg. square sails for now have no function
- the necessary repurposing of default sails may have all kinds of unintended side effects.
- Sailaway was never intended for 3 mast, 38 gun frigates to take to the seas..physics may be off, stuff may not work and any future update may make it impossible to operate the ship.

Ship will be updated on the first Thursday of the month as they come available.
- extendable rowing oars
- rowing hatches that open
- swiveling guns
- connecting loose ends in the rigging as we find them.
- redressing figure head as buccaneer
. adding cutlery and pistols to deck gear
. adding officer cabins
- adding galley
- adding ballast stones
- adding hammocks for 200 crew.

Issues are known and are partly reported.. Developers may choose to support square rigged ships in the (very far) future.
You can sail the Jolly Roger by borrowing her for free as member of the O.E.Y.C who's membership fee is 0.00 Bubbles.
If you wan to obtain a hull from the yard for your yacht club as venue for spectators and other promotinal activities contact the creators. Admiral or Admiral III
If you wnat to buy her out righht go ahead. NOTE every 10th sale the price wil double. Proceeds will be invested in developing the open world of Sailaway.
created by Admiral
performance weight 58.4714
Restrictions Custom decklayouts and custom sails are not allowed


Hull type Monohull
Length over all 49.34 m. / 161.9 ft.
Length waterline 38.15 m. / 125.2 ft.
Beam 18.53 m. / 60.8 ft.
Depth 2.59 m. / 8.5 ft.
Total weight 999999 kg / 984.2 long tonnes
Ballast 500000 kg / 1102311 pounds
Max. waterballast per side 0 liter
Mast 39.54 m. / 129.7 ft.
Sail area up wind 262.4 m². / 2824 ft².
Max. sail area 410.4 m². / 4418 ft².
D/L ratio 487
S/D ratio 2.6
Genoa 87.3 m². / 939 ft². canvas/cotton
Jib 88.8 m². / 956 ft². canvas/cotton
Nr 1 109.9 m². / 1183 ft². canvas/cotton
Nr 4 209.2 m². / 2252 ft². canvas/cotton
Stormjib 166.3 m². / 1790 ft². canvas/cotton
Mizzen staysail 148.1 m². / 1594 ft². canvas/cotton
Main gaff sail 72.2 m². / 777 ft². canvas/cotton
Main gaff topsail 38.3 m². / 412 ft². canvas/cotton
Mizzen gaff sail 35.2 m². / 379 ft². canvas/cotton
Mizzen gaff topsail 29.4 m². / 316 ft². dacron
OrbCreation BV - The Netherlands -