Installation instructions Sailaway

How to install Sailaway on MacOS

Download the correct file from this website
Some browsers will ask you if you want to open the file with DiskImageMounter. Click "OK".
Other browsers will simply start the download or ask you if the website can be trusted
Downloading takes a while. You can check the download status in your browser
When the download is ready, some browsers will automatically open this window
If yours doesn't, look up the downloaded file and double-click it
Drag the Sailaway icon on top of the Applications folder icon and drop it there
Double click the Applications folder and look up Sailaway
Or open the search bar (Cmd-Space) and search for Sailaway
When you start Sailaway, you will probably receive a warning from Apple's Gatekeeper
Apple doesn't know that Sailaway can be trusted and refuses to open it
Click "OK"
Instead of double-clicking the Sailaway app, click it with the right mouse button or Press Ctrl and click it
A popup menu will open
Select "Open"
The same warning will show up, but this time it shows an extra option
Click "Open"
Sailaway will start
Apple will remember that the app can be trusted and you won't see the warning message again