Roadmap & known issues
Known issues Planning
Barberhaulers do not function correctly --
Trim lines will sometimes lay on the deck in a weird way --
Trim lines will sometimes pierce a solid object. Although this can largely be prevented by the designer of the boat, the tools provided do not always behave as expected --
Encountering another boat can result in long non-responsive wait times while that boat's data and textures are being loaded. This loading time largely depends on the size of the textures and the complexity of the mesh data as defined by the designer of the other boat --
Air flow indication lines (under the Y-key) also appear under the boat, especially when the sail is reefed --
Strange transparent rendering with overlapping sails and sail corners --
Transparent rendering of water spray suddenly is more pronounced when the object behind it is opaque on Linux --
Transparent rendering of cumulus clouds over mountains, is too pronounced and make the mountains appear as if covered in snow --
Some transparent rendering problems with clouds and sky layers on WebGL on Linux --
Shape of the gennaker needs improvement --
Sailing in sunbathing mode triggers many recomputes for the trimlines, which decreases the framerate on computers that are less powerful --
Road map Planning
Items are not in any particular order, list is subject to change and realisation of the points on this list is not guaranteed
Publish on Steam --
Add the option to sail flat down wind with the foresail and mainsail on opposite sides --
Faster and better routine to compute trimline paths --
Add computer generated shipping or AIS shipping or a mixture of both --
Add spinnaker --
Add square sails --
Instrument Editor > Request for Tack Header Angle, Tack Heading = (Magnetic Heading + (2 * True Wind Angle)) / 360 --
Spectator mode --
Separate MP server for races --
Feature to upload tidal current files --
Realistic anchoring --
Realistic docking --
Extra sail mode that disables automatic weatherhelm compensation to allow for steering with sails --
Collisions --
Make offline boats visible in world --
Tools to build marina's and clubhouses --
Implementation of basic sailing rules --
Add damage to sails, damage to boat and spare parts to provisions system --
Auto translate option for in-game chat --
Add icebergs --
Add wildlife --
Ruler measurement tool in map --
Windvane autopilot --
Add strand of wool to the shrouds as wind indicator --
Easy feature to draw offshore windparks in world editor --
Compute wind map for local effects that terrain has on windspeed and wind direction --
Add a checkbox option for "no rotation for the retracted rudder" --
Option to add floating objects in the world editor that folow the tide and the waves vertical, but stay anchored --
Option to change OSM building color and shape --
Option to adjust gusts and shifts per wind direction per region --
Add support for TrackIR --