The Canadian Dream Challenge 2023

Race for 45' Ketch, Nordic Folkboat, Nordic Folkboat (learn), Caribbean Rose by Batou de Bandol

The Canadian Dream Challenge 2023
Tue 2023-10-24 07:00 UTC

Race for 45' Ketch, Nordic Folkboat, Nordic Folkboat (learn), Caribbean Rose
by Batou de Bandol

Like in the 18th century, going up the rivers to discover new lands !

More an adventure than a race. Find the best way to be the first. Attention to the shallow waters !

Auto or manual, no penalty

45 Ketch, Nordic Folk or Caribbean Rose only

Offline efficiency 100%
Sail mode Auto raise/reef allowed
Auto sheets allowed
Helping hand allowed
Auto sail trim allowed
Awarded badge


Batou de Bandol



My boat

OrbCreation BV - The Netherlands -